This hotel is included in the FREE CANCELLATION program - see conditions
For bookings at Hotel Paradiso we accept payment with holiday vouchers/tickets
Paradiso Hotel 3*** Mangalia, formerly known as Siemens Mangalia, was renovated entirely in 2006 and is located on the seafront, 25 meters from the beach and approximately 800 meters from t ... Continue reading
on the seafront, 25 meters from the beach, 3 Matei Basarab str. See the map
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Description Paradiso hotel
Paradiso Hotel 3*** Mangalia, formerly known as Siemens Mangalia, was renovated entirely in 2006 and is located on the seafront, 25 meters from the beach and approximately 800 meters from the rain station.
Due to its perpendicular position on the seashore, all the rooms have side and frontal sea and boardwalk view. The hotel is built on 12 storyes, served by elevator, and the accommodation spaces are set with air conditioning, TV with cable, wi fi, minibar (its contents are subject to extracharge, except for the All inclusive pack), telephone, balcony and bathroom with shower.
Likewise, Paradiso hotel provides a restaurant with bar and terrace, as well as a cake shop.
Paradiso Hotel harbours one of the most famous Treatment Centers on the Romanian riviera, guests being able to attend different medical recovery, welness & SPA procedures, subject to extra chage.
Paradiso hotel owns a private parking, offered for free, subject to availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Paradiso Mangalia you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
200 double rooms
55 single rooms
12 suites
Restaurant, bar, terrace
Conference room (70 seats)
Treatment Center
Outdoor swimming pool
Access ramp for disabled persons
Rooms for disabled people
Private parking - free, upon availability
Room facilities
All the accommodation spaces are set with bathroom with shower and hair dryer, TV with cable, telephone, air conditioning, parquet, wi fi, minibar (its contents are subject to extracharge, except for the All inclusive pack) and balcony.
The single rooms feature a single bed, they have side view to the sea and are located on the northern side of the hotel. Surface approximately 12 sqm.
The double rooms can have matrimonial bed or 2 twin beds, repartition takes place in reception, upon availabilty. Surface approximately 14 sqm.
Apartments consist of a living room with expandable sofa, matrimonial bedroom separated with door, hallway, bathroom with shower, there are TV, air conditioning and balcony in both rooms.
There are also rooms for disabled people, with adjusted bathrooms and located at the ground floor and on he 2nd floor.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 18:00Check-out: 12:00
For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day
Halfboard pack: breakfast in buffet system, lunch/dinner in buffet system, no drinks included.
Full board packs include breakfast, lunch and dinner, served in fixed menu system, with no drinks included.
All inclusive pack: breakfast (07.00-10.00), lunch (12.30-14.30), dinner (19.00-22.00) served in buffet system. During the meal, in the restaurant, alcoholic and nonalcoholic local drinks can be served. Between 10.00-18.00, on the terrace bar and the hotel bar, local refreshments, nonalcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, beer, wine are served, as well as pastry/sweets products, access to the outdoor pool with sun beds upon availability, access to the fitness hall.
Extra-charge: Inside the Treatment Center the following procedures can be performed: electrotherapy, (diapulse, magnetotherapy), phototherapy (infrared, ultraviolete, lasertherapy), mud and parafin packing, pneumotherapy, gynecological treatments, kinetotherapy, massage. It treats the following: rheumatism, diabetis, neurological afflictions, alergies, asthma, gout, diskinesia, gastritis etc. The treatment is carried out from Monday to Friday (4 procedures/day) upon the medical recommandation established at the primary consultation.
The pool with sea water is closed indefinetely.
Pets are not allowed.
Paradiso Hotel Mangalia - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS
Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Mangalia
Offer expires in days
- pana la 21% DISCOUNT pana la 31.03.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de 20% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 31.03.2025.
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 6 nopti, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Procentul a fost calculat pentru perioada 01.06-05.06.
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.
Tarife cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2024 - minim 6 nopti - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 31.03.2025 | ||||||||||||||||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Camera single | Apartament | Pat suplimentar copil 7-12.99 ani |
Pat suplimentar copil 13-17.99 ani |
MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | ||
01.06-05.06 | 399 lei | 600 lei | 757 lei | 305 lei | 405 lei | 484 lei | 650 lei | 851 lei | 1008 lei | 101 lei | 153 lei | 193 lei | 123 lei | 227 lei | 307 lei | |
06.06-09.06 | 406 lei | 611 lei | 771 lei | 310 lei | 413 lei | 492 lei | 661 lei | 866 lei | 1026 lei | 101 lei | 153 lei | 193 lei | 123 lei | 227 lei | 307 lei | |
10.06-15.06 | 413 lei | 622 lei | 784 lei | 316 lei | 420 lei | 501 lei | 673 lei | 882 lei | 1044 lei | 101 lei | 153 lei | 193 lei | 123 lei | 227 lei | 307 lei | |
16.06-22.06 | 417 lei | 627 lei | 791 lei | 318 lei | 424 lei | 505 lei | 679 lei | 889 lei | 1053 lei | 101 lei | 153 lei | 193 lei | 123 lei | 227 lei | 307 lei | |
23.06-30.06 | 420 lei | 632 lei | 798 lei | 321 lei | 427 lei | 510 lei | 684 lei | 897 lei | 1062 lei | 101 lei | 153 lei | 193 lei | 123 lei | 227 lei | 307 lei | |
01.07-07.07 | x | x | 889 lei | x | x | 590 lei | x | x | 1184 lei | x | x | 221 lei | x | x | 335 lei | |
08.07-15.07 | x | x | 874 lei | x | x | 580 lei | x | x | 1164 lei | x | x | 221 lei | x | x | 335 lei | |
16.07-15.08 | x | x | 930 lei | x | x | 620 lei | x | x | 1290 lei | x | x | 234 lei | x | x | 353 lei | |
16.08-25.08 | x | x | 874 lei | x | x | 580 lei | x | x | 1164 lei | x | x | 221 lei | x | x | 335 lei | |
26.08-31.08 | x | x | 866 lei | x | x | 575 lei | x | x | 1154 lei | x | x | 221 lei | x | x | 335 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 6 nopti, si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla/apartament si pentru 1 persoana in camera single, acces la piscina exterioara in perioada 15.06-15.09, sala fitness si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus, internet wireless.
MD - mic dejun (bufet suedez);
DP - mic dejun+pranz/cina (bufet suedez).
ALL - all inclusive (mic dejun, pranz si cina - bufet suedez), bauturi alcoolice autohtone si nonalcoolice - apa, suc, ceai, cafea - in timpul meselor si pe durata zilei in intervalul 10:00-18:00 la barul de la terasa si hotel, produse de patiserie.
Special Offer: Treatment Offers Mangalia
Offer expires in days
Tarife pachete tratament (fara cazare) sezonul estival - 2025 | |||
Tratament balnear (4 proceduri/persoana/zi) | 15.04-15.12 | ||
Pachet 4-10 zile/persoana/zi | 184 Lei/zi | ||
Consultatie medicala | 58 lei/persoana |
Tratamentele se efectueaza de Luni pana Vineri inclusiv si pachetele includ: procedurile recomandate de medic in baza acestei consultatii si raportul medical final.
La consultatia primara trebuie prezentata o scrisoare de recomandare medicala de la medicul de familie sau medicul specialist.
Tratamentul Balnear se desfasoara in Sanatoriul Balnear si de Recuperare Mangalia - Pavilion B
Tarifele nu includ cazare si masa.
In Baza de Tratament se pot urma urmatoarele proceduri: hidrotermoterapie, hidrokinetoterapie , electroterapie, fototerapie, pneumoterapie, tratamente ginecologice, tratamente complementare etc.
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2026
Tarife cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - minim 6 nopti | ||||||||||||||||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Camera single | Apartament | Pat suplimentar copil 7-12.99 ani |
Pat suplimentar copil 13-17.99 ani |
MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | ||
28.04-31.05 | 409 lei | 610 lei | 782 lei | 302 lei | 403 lei | 491 lei | 661 lei | 862 lei | 1040 lei | 104 lei | 155 lei | 196 lei | 131 lei | 235 lei | 315 lei | |
01.06-05.06 | 507 lei | 713 lei | 886 lei | 388 lei | 490 lei | 579 lei | 827 lei | 1032 lei | 1213 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
06.06-09.06 | 516 lei | 725 lei | 901 lei | 394 lei | 499 lei | 589 lei | 841 lei | 1050 lei | 1234 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
10.06-22.06 | 521 lei | 731 lei | 909 lei | 398 lei | 503 lei | 594 lei | 848 lei | 1059 lei | 1245 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
23.06-30.06 | 525 lei | 738 lei | 917 lei | 401 lei | 507 lei | 599 lei | 856 lei | 1068 lei | 1255 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
01.07-07.07 | x | x | 1001 lei | x | x | 679 lei | x | x | 1363 lei | x | x | 253 lei | x | x | 373 lei | |
08.07-15.07 | x | x | 1036 lei | x | x | 706 lei | x | x | 1413 lei | x | x | 253 lei | x | x | 373 lei | |
16.07-15.08 | x | x | 1132 lei | x | x | 774 lei | x | x | 1610 lei | x | x | 269 lei | x | x | 396 lei | |
16.08-25.08 | x | x | 1036 lei | x | x | 706 lei | x | x | 1413 lei | x | x | 253 lei | x | x | 373 lei | |
26.08-31.08 | x | x | 1027 lei | x | x | 700 lei | x | x | 1401 lei | x | x | 253 lei | x | x | 373 lei | |
01.09-06.09 | 521 lei | 731 lei | 909 lei | 398 lei | 503 lei | 594 lei | 848 lei | 1059 lei | 1245 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
07.09-14.09 | 512 lei | 719 lei | 893 lei | 391 lei | 495 lei | 584 lei | 834 lei | 1041 lei | 1223 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
15.09-30.09 | 507 lei | 713 lei | 886 lei | 388 lei | 490 lei | 579 lei | 827 lei | 1032 lei | 1213 lei | 127 lei | 178 lei | 219 lei | 154 lei | 258 lei | 338 lei | |
01.10-15.12 | 409 lei | 610 lei | 782 lei | 302 lei | 403 lei | 491 lei | 661 lei | 862 lei | 1040 lei | 104 lei | 155 lei | 196 lei | 131 lei | 235 lei | 315 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 6 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla/apartament si pentru 1 persoana in camera single, acces la piscina exterioara in perioada 15.06-15.09, sala fitness si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus, internet wireless.
MD - mic dejun (bufet suedez);
DP - mic dejun+pranz/cina (bufet suedez).
ALL - all inclusive (mic dejun, pranz si cina - bufet suedez), bauturi alcoolice autohtone si nonalcoolice - apa, suc, ceai, cafea - in timpul meselor.
* In perioada de extrasezon, daca numarul de turisti este redus, servirea meselor se va face in regim a la carte.
Tarife cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - minim 1 noapte | ||||||||||||||||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Camera single | Apartament | Pat suplimentar copil 7-12.99 ani |
Pat suplimentar copil 13-17.99 ani |
MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | MD | DP | ALL | ||
28.04-31.05 | 424 lei | 625 lei | 782 lei | 312 lei | 413 lei | 491 lei | 682 lei | 884 lei | 1040 lei | 110 lei | 162 lei | 202 lei | 135 lei | 239 lei | 319 lei | |
01.06-05.06 | 521 lei | 726 lei | 886 lei | 397 lei | 499 lei | 579 lei | 848 lei | 1053 lei | 1213 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
06.06-09.06 | 530 lei | 739 lei | 901 lei | 404 lei | 508 lei | 589 lei | 863 lei | 1072 lei | 1234 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
10.06-22.06 | 534 lei | 745 lei | 909 lei | 407 lei | 512 lei | 594 lei | 870 lei | 1081 lei | 1245 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
23.06-30.06 | 539 lei | 751 lei | 917 lei | 411 lei | 517 lei | 599 lei | 878 lei | 1090 lei | 1255 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
01.07-07.07 | x | x | 1036 lei | x | x | 706 lei | x | x | 1413 lei | x | x | 257 lei | x | x | 384 lei | |
08.07-15.07 | x | x | 1036 lei | x | x | 706 lei | x | x | 1413 lei | x | x | 257 lei | x | x | 384 lei | |
16.07-15.08 | x | x | 1132 lei | x | x | 774 lei | x | x | 1610 lei | x | x | 277 lei | x | x | 404 lei | |
16.08-25.08 | x | x | 1036 lei | x | x | 706 lei | x | x | 1413 lei | x | x | 257 lei | x | x | 384 lei | |
26.08-31.08 | x | x | 1027 lei | x | x | 700 lei | x | x | 1401 lei | x | x | 257 lei | x | x | 384 lei | |
01.09-06.09 | 534 lei | 745 lei | 909 lei | 407 lei | 512 lei | 594 lei | 870 lei | 1081 lei | 1245 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
07.09-14.09 | 525 lei | 732 lei | 893 lei | 400 lei | 504 lei | 584 lei | 855 lei | 1062 lei | 1223 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
15.09-30.09 | 521 lei | 726 lei | 886 lei | 397 lei | 499 lei | 579 lei | 848 lei | 1053 lei | 1213 lei | 135 lei | 187 lei | 227 lei | 160 lei | 264 lei | 344 lei | |
01.10-15.12 | 424 lei | 625 lei | 782 lei | 312 lei | 413 lei | 491 lei | 682 lei | 884 lei | 1040 lei | 110 lei | 162 lei | 202 lei | 135 lei | 239 lei | 319 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla/apartament si pentru 1 persoana in camera single, acces la piscina exterioara in perioada 15.06-15.09, sala fitness si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus, internet wireless.
MD - mic dejun (bufet suedez);
DP - mic dejun+pranz/cina (bufet suedez).
ALL - all inclusive (mic dejun, pranz si cina - bufet suedez), bauturi alcoolice autohtone si nonalcoolice - apa, suc, ceai, cafea - in timpul meselor.
* In perioada de extrasezon, daca numarul de turisti este redus, servirea meselor se va face in regim a la carte.
Facilitati copii - camera dubla:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-1.99 ani - copiii beneficiaza de cazare si masa gratuita, fara pat suplimentar;
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 2-6.99 ani - beneficiaza de cazare gratuita, fara pat suplimentar, insa achita supliment de mic dejun - 38 lei/zi, demipensiune - 90 lei/zi si all inclusive - 130 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 7-12.99 ani - achita contravaloarea patului suplimentar cu servicii de masa, conform tabelului de mai sus.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 13-17.99 ani - achita contravaloarea patului suplimentar cu servicii de masa, conform tabelului de mai sus. Se accepta un singur copil de 13-17.99 ani in camera dubla.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 2-6.99 ani, 1 copil 7-12.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, insa achita supliment de mic dejun - 38 lei/zi, demipensiune - 90 lei/zi si all inclusive - 130 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil achita contravaloarea patului suplimentar cu servicii de masa, conform tabelului de mai sus.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 2-6.99 ani, 1 copil 13-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, insa achita supliment de mic dejun - 38 lei/zi, demipensiune - 90 lei/zi si all inclusive - 130 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil achita contravaloarea patului suplimentar cu servicii de masa, conform tabelului de mai sus.
- 1 adult si 1 copil 2-6.99 ani- se achita camera single, iar pentru copil se achita supliment de mic dejun - 38 lei/zi, demipensiune - 90 lei/zi si all inclusive - 130 lei/zi.
- 1 adult si 1 copil 7-12.99 ani- se achita camera single, iar pentru copil se achita supliment de mic dejun - 76 lei/zi, demipensiune - 128 lei/zi si all inclusive - 168 lei/zi.
Facilitati copii - apartament:
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 2-6.99 ani - se achita pentru fiecare copil supliment de supliment de mic dejun - 38 lei/zi, demipensiune - 90 lei/zi si all inclusive - 130 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 7-12.99 ani - se achita pentru fiecare copil supliment de mic dejun - 76 lei/zi, demipensiune - 128 lei/zi si all inclusive - 168 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 13-17.99 ani - se achita pentru fiecare copil supliment de mic dejun in valoare de mic dejun - 76 lei/zi, demipensiune - 180 lei/zi si all inclusive - 260 lei/zi.
- al 3-lea si al 4- lea adult in apartament achita supliment de mic dejun in valoare de mic dejun - 76 lei/zi, demipensiune - 180 lei/zi si all inclusive - 260 lei/zi.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 13-17.99 ani)
Capacitate maxima apartament: 4 adulti sau 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-17.99 ani.
Book online Paradiso Hotel Mangalia
To make a hotel rezervation at Paradiso Hotel Mangalia please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Paradiso Hotel Mangalia
- Double room
- single room
- Apartment
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Mangalia accommodation
Mangalia Hotels - accommodation offers for Mangalia hotels
Location HotelMangalia
on the seafront, 25 meters from the beach
3 Matei Basarab str.
0m-100m fata de plaja