Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord, Early Booking 2025 38% DISCOUNT, Extra Discount Offer

Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord

Foto Hotel Aqua Park Eforie Nord

Aqua Park Hotel 3*** Eforie Nord (former Hotel Meteor) was completely renovated in 2020-2021 and reclassified at 3* standards, and in 2023, more improvements have been added in the reception area ... Continue reading

Air conditioning

600m from the beach, Traian street no. 2, Eforie Nord See the map

Description Aqua Park hotel

Aqua Park Hotel 3*** Eforie Nord (former Hotel Meteor) was completely renovated in 2020-2021 and reclassified at 3* standards, and in 2023, more improvements have been added in the reception area. Aqua Park hotel offers accommodation in 150 modern spaces, equipped with air conditioning, minibar, LCD TV, wi fi internet, new furniture, renovated bathrooms with hair dryer, carpeted floors, balcony, mosquito nets, magnetic card access. The hotel is structured on 4 storeys and a ground floor and is served by an elevator.
Aqua Park Hotel represents an attractive accommodation option for all categories of tourists, offering free of charge, access tickets to Aqua Park Eforie Nord (located at a 10 minutes walk from the hotel - for a minimum of 2 days stay, with the exception of the check in and check out day), the most famous tourist attraction of the resort. Here tourists can enjoy the spacious swimming pools, slides and the activities organized every day (shows, contests, etc.).
The Aqua Park Hotel is located in the southern part of the resort, on the route that crosses Eforie Nord, near Traian, Tropical and Ovicris hotels. The distance to the beach can be covered on foot in 10 minutes. Lake Techirghiol is 100 meters from the hotel, which makes Aqua Park Hotel an attractive option for those who want to benefit from the therapeutic properties of the mud and water in the lake.
Aqua Park hotel does not have it's own restaurant, but there are various meal options in the area. 
Parking is subject to extra charge,  upon availability, a 25 lei/day fee is paid in reception.

Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Aqua Park Eforie Nord you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?

Hotel facilities

147 double rooms
4 family rooms
1 apartament
Luggage room
Safe in reception
Water park - Aqua Park Eforie Nord
2 Elevators
Wireless internet
Access ramp for disabled people
Parking - extra charge, upon availability (25 lei/day, paid in reception)


Room facilities

All the rooms of the Aqua Park hotel have new furniture, double bed or 2 single beds that can be joined completely, bathrooms with shower, air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, telephone, hair dryer, carpeted floor, wireless internet, balcony with furniture, mosquito net, card-based access. They can be fitted with matrimonial beds (160x200) or two twin beds (90x200), repartition take splace in check in , at reception. Surface approximately 15 sqm.
The family double rooms are equipped with 2 double beds of 160/200 cm and 140/200 cm. Surface approximately 20 sqm.
The apartment is located at the 1st floor and consists of a living room with expandable sofa and matrimonial bedroom. The living room does not feature a window. Access is made first in the living room, and afterwards, from the living room to the bedroom. There is dividing door. There is a balcony at the bedroom. Surface 25 sqm.
The extra bed is roll out type, from under the matrimonial/twin bed.

Other specificatios

Check-in: 16:00Check-out: 11:00

For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day


Hotel guests benefit from free access to Aqua Park Eforie Nord (located at a 10 minutes walk from the hotel), for a minimum of 2 nights stay, with the exception of the check in and check out day. In the park, access with drinks and food from outside is prohibited. 
Optionally, sun beds on the beach may be purchased. Between 15.06-30.06 and 25.08-16.09, the sun bed fee is 24 lei/day, while between 01.07-24.08 the fee is 30 lei/day/ sun bed. 
Additionaly, guests can opt for breakfast (in buffet system at Belvedere restaurant) and lunch or dinner in account system (at Blevedere or Valul Magic restaurants).
 The hotel does not accept accommodation with pets.

Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS

Special Offer: Extra Discount Offer Eforie Nord

Offer expires in days

EXTRADISCOUNT valabil pana la data de 20.04.2025
- 7 % DISCOUNT suplimentar pentru orice rezervare efectuata cu tarifele publicate mai jos, pentru camera dubla standard in perioada 24.06-29.06
- 4 % DISCOUNT suplimentar pentru orice rezervare efectuata cu tarifele publicate mai jos, pentru camera dubla standard in perioada 30.06- 08.07 si 14.07-07.09.
Discount-ul suplimentar se aplica tarifelor de mai jos, si se cumuleaza cu orice oferta valabila in momentul efectuarii rezervarii.
Oferta este valabila pana la 20.04.2025, si implica plata unui  avans de 20% in 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii si a diferentei pana la 20.04.2025. 
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Extradiscount nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii. 

Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Eforie Nord

Offer expires in days

- pana la 38% DISCOUNT pana la 30.04.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de doar 20% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 31.05.2025.
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Discount-ul a fost calculat pentru perioada 24.06-29.06.

Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.

Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii

Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 30.04.2025
Perioada Camera dubla
cu acces la AquaPark
Camera family
cu acces la AquaPark
cazare MD MD + Fisa cont
de 100 lei/camera/zi
MD + Fisa cont
de 200 lei/camera/zi
cazare MD x 2 MD x 2 + Fisa cont
de 100 lei/camera/zi
MD x 2 + Fisa cont
de 200 lei/camera/zi
24.06-29.06 245 Lei 335 Lei 450 Lei 565 Lei 415 Lei 505  Lei  620 Lei 735 Lei
30.06-30.06 265 Lei 355 Lei 470 Lei 585 Lei 435 Lei 525 Lei 640 Lei 755 Lei
01.07-4.07 265 Lei 355 Lei 470 Lei 585 Lei 435 Lei 525 Lei 640 Lei 755 Lei
05.07-10.07 285 Lei 375 Lei 490 Lei 605 Lei 485 Lei 575 Lei 690 Lei 805 Lei
11.07-13.07 305 Lei 395 Lei 510 Lei 625 Lei 525 Lei 615 Lei 730 Lei 845 Lei
14.07-20.07 329 Lei 419 Lei 534 Lei 649 Lei 558 Lei 648 Lei 763 Lei 878 Lei
21.07-16.08 345 Lei 435 Lei 550 Lei 665 Lei 585 Lei 675 Lei 790 Lei 905 Lei
17.08-23.08 329 Lei 419 Lei 534 Lei 649 Lei 558 Lei 648 Lei 763 Lei 878 Lei
24.08-24.08 305 Lei 395 Lei 510 Lei 625 Lei 545 Lei 635 Lei 750 Lei 865 Lei
25.08-30.08 305 Lei 395 Lei 510 Lei 625 Lei 545 Lei 635 Lei 750 Lei 865 Lei 
31.08-07.09 295 Lei 385 Lei 500 Lei 615 Lei 465 Lei 555 Lei 670 Lei 785 Lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti pentru dubla standard si minim 2 nopti pentru camera family si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si 3 persoane in camera family, acces gratuit la Aqua Park (exceptand ziua de check-in si ziua de check-out), internet wireless si servicii de masa conform tabeluui de mai sus.

MD - mic dejun (bufet sudez) se serveste in cadrul restaurantului Hotelului Belvedere.
MD+fisa cont  100 lei/camera zi - mic dejun (bufet suedez) si fisa cont.
MD+fisa cont  200 lei/camera zi - mic dejun (bufet suedez) si fisa cont.
Micul dejun se serveste in cadrul restaurantului Hotelului Belvedere. Fisa cont pentru pranz/cina se poate consuma in cadrul Hotelului Belvedere si Hotel Valul Magic.

Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025

Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival 2025
Perioada Camera dubla
cu acces la AquaPark
Camera family
cu acces la AquaPark
  cazare MD MD+fisa cont de
100 lei/camera/zi
MD+fisa cont de
200 lei/camera/zi
cazare MD x 2 MD x 2 + fisa cont de
100 lei/camera/zi
MD x 2 + fisa cont de
200 lei/camera/zi
24.06-30.06 398 Lei 488 Lei 603 Lei 718 Lei 585 Lei 675 Lei 790 Lei 905 Lei
01.07-04.07 398 Lei 488 Lei 603 Lei 718 Lei 585 Lei 675 Lei 790 Lei 905 Lei
05.07-20.07 465 Lei 555 Lei 670 Lei 785 Lei 675 Lei 765 Lei 880 Lei 995 Lei
21.07-23.08 535 Lei 625 Lei 740 Lei 855 Lei 695 Lei 785 Lei 900 Lei 1015 Lei
24.08-24.08 465 Lei 555 Lei 670 Lei 785 Lei 675 Lei 765 Lei 880 Lei 995 Lei
25.08-07.09 465 Lei 555 Lei 670 Lei 785 Lei 675 Lei 765 Lei 880 Lei 995 Lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si 3 persoane in camera family, acces gratuit la Aqua Park (exceptand ziua de check-in si ziua de check-out), internet wireless si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus.

MD - mic dejun (bufet sudez) se serveste in cadrul restaurantului Hotelului Belvedere.
MD+fisa cont  100 lei/camera zi - mic dejun (bufet suedez) si fisa cont.
MD+fisa cont  200 lei/camera zi - mic dejun (bufet suedez) si fisa cont.
Micul dejun se serveste in cadrul restaurantului Hotelului Belvedere. Fisa cont pentru pranz/cina se poate consuma in cadrul Hotelului Belvedere si Hotel Valul Magic. 

Facilitati copii in camera dubla:
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-4.99 ani, copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, fara pat suplimentar.  Daca se solicita pat suplimentar se achita 80 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 5-9.99 ani, copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces Aqua Park, fara pat suplimentar. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 35 lei/zi. Daca se solicita pat suplimentar se achita 80 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 10-11.99 ani copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces Aqua Park, fara pat suplimentar. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi. Daca se solicita pat suplimentar se achita 80 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-4.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 5-9.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa fiecare copil achita mic dejun 35 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 10-11.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa fiecare copil achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 12-17.99 ani/al 3-lea adult - copilul/al 3-lea adult achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare, pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii ( 1 copil 0-4.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces gratuit la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare, pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 5-9.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces gratuit la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare, pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa primul copil 5-9.99 ani achita mic dejun 35 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil 12-17.99 ani achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 10-11.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani) primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces gratuit la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 2-lea copil se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare, pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa fiecare copil achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 3 adulti si 1 copil 0-4.99 ani - copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces gratuit la Aqua Park, iar pentru al 3-lea adult se achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare, pat suplimentar si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii cu varsta 0-11.99 ani, 2 adulti si 2 copii ( 0-11.99 ani si 12-17.99 ani) sau 3 adulti si 1 copil 0-4.99 ani.
Facilitati copii in camera dubla family:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-11.99 ani, copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa copii achita mic dejun conform varstei.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 12-17.99 ani/al 3-lea adult - beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park; In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 12-17.99 ani - primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, iar al 2-lea copil achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de cazare si acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa fiecare copil achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 3 copii 0-11.99 ani, primii 2 copii beneficiaza de gratuitatea la cazare si acces Aqua Park, al 3-lea copil achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa copii achita mic dejun conform varstei.
- 2 adulti si  3 copii ( 1 copil 0-11.99 ani, 2 copii 12-17.99 ani), primul 0-11.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitatea la cazaresi acces Aqua Park, al 2-lea copil 12-17.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitatea la cazare si acces Aqua Park, al 3-lea copil 12-17.99 ani achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa copii achita mic dejun conform varstei.
- 3 adulti si 1 copil 0-11.99 ani - beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita mic dejun conform varstei.
- 3 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-11.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si acces la Aqua Park, al 2-lea copil achita 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita mic dejun conform varstei.
- al 4-lea adult achita 130 lei/zi si beneficiaza de acces la Aqua Park. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa achita mic dejun 45 lei/zi.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla family: 4 adulti.

Book online Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord

To make a hotel rezervation at Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord please fill in the form below contact information

Personal data

Accommodation period

Number of rooms and persons

Children ages

Other specificatios

By pressing this button you agree to: Terms of use & Tourists Contract

Frequent questions for Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord

The following types of rooms are available for this hotel :
- Double room with Aqua Park access included
- Family room with Aqua Park access
- Double room
- Family room
Reservations made at this hotel can be paid in cash according to the specifications on the invoice, by bank transfer in the agency's accounts, online with the card or with holiday vouchers (holiday vouchers).
No, the hotel does not have its own restaurant.
At this hotel the tourists can stay starting with the hour 16:00 , and the maximum check-out time is 11:00
Guests staying at Aqua Park Hotel can benefit from the following facilities
Yes, you can pay with both vouchers and a holiday card.
Why to choose Aqua Park Hotel Eforie Nord ? Find out what other customers have said. Aqua Park Hotel from Eforie Nord has the grade of 9.2 out of 447 reviews.
Most recent reservation at Aqua Park Hotel: 28.03.2025 at 10:01

We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.

Check rates

Sorry, reservations for more than 30 days are not possible.
Children's ages:

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Hotel Aqua Park Eforie Nord


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