Anina Hotel 3*** Techirghiol is located in the central area of Techirghiol city, in a quiet area, across the street of St Mary Church and at 2 minutes walk from the lake and the boardwalk. ... Continue reading
central area of the city, 3 Victoriei str. See the map
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Description Anina hotel
Anina Hotel 3*** Techirghiol is located in the central area of Techirghiol city, in a quiet area, across the street of St Mary Church and at 2 minutes walk from the lake and the boardwalk.
Anina hotel is built on 2 floors and provides 39 double rooms equipped with air conditioning, wi fi, satelitte TV, minibar, bathroom with tub and balcony (only one room does not have a balcony). In the autumn of 2022, the hotel expanded with a new wing (wing C), structured on 3 storeys and providing 42 places in contemporaryly designed double rooms. The accommodation spaces in the new wing have the exact same amenities as the other ones, exept for the bathrooms that are fitted with walk in shower cabins instead of tubs.
Anina hotel is served by 2 elevators and provides its own erstaurant with terrace where guests can enjoy international and traditional Romanian dishes in a very green and pleasant setting, among pine trees and cedar trees.
All the guests have the possibility to enjoy balneary treatments at the well established Techirghiol Balneary and Recovery Sanatorium, a medical center that colaborates with the hotel, treatment including 3 procedures: one major and 2 minor, according to the doctor's recommendations.
Anina Hotel 3*** Techirghiol provides free parking, subject to availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Anina Techirghiol you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
Double rooms
Single rooms
Restaurant (80 seats), Bar
Terrace (100 seats)
Access ramp for disabled persons
WiFi internet connection
Safe at the reception
Parking - free, subject to availability
Room facilities
Double rooms in A and B wings are equipped with matrimonial bed or two twin beds that can be separated on request, air conditioning, satellite TV, minibar, WiFi connection, bathroom with bath tub, hair dryer and balcony (not all the rooms have this facility - repartition takes place at check in, upon availability). Surface 25 sqm.
The double rooms in the new wing C have matrimonial bed (160180x200), walk in shower cabins and modern furnishing such as LED light fittings and wall paper, balcony with table and chairs, otherwise having the same amenities as the other rooms. Surface approx 27 sqm.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 15:00Check-out: 11:00
Meal services are served in account system.
Massage is subject to extra charge.
Treatment is offered, optionally, at the well established Techirghiol Balneary and Recovery Sanatorium, priority for the consultation being offered to the sanatorium pacients. Treatment includes 3 procedures/day: one major and 2 minor, according to the doctor's recommendations, after the consultation. Mondays are very busy days, therefore, we recommend to go for a consultation, any other day but monday.
Pets are not accepted.
Anina Hotel Techirghiol - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS
Special Offer: Special Offer Techirghiol
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival - 2025 | ||||||||
Perioada | Camera dubla Corp A, B | Camera single Corp A, B | Camera dubla Corp C | Camera single Corp C | ||||
DP | PC | DP | PC | DP | PC | DP | PC | |
06.05-05.06 | 475 lei | 520 lei | 296 lei | 318 lei | 504 lei | 549 lei | 319 lei | 342 lei |
06.06-09.06 | 483 lei | 529 lei | 301 lei | 324 lei | 513 lei | 559 lei | 325 lei | 348 lei |
10.06-20.06 | 479 lei | 524 lei | 299 lei | 321 lei | 509 lei | 554 lei | 322 lei | 345 lei |
21.06-26.06 | 563 lei | 608 lei | 365 lei | 387 lei | 602 lei | 648 lei | 396 lei | 419 lei |
27.06-30.06 | 568 lei | 614 lei | 368 lei | 391 lei | 608 lei | 654 lei | 400 lei | 423 lei |
01.07-03.07 | 568 lei | 614 lei | x | x | 608 lei | 654 lei | x | x |
04.07-10.07 | 573 lei | 619 lei | x | x | 613 lei | 659 lei | x | x |
11.07-17.07 | x | 665 lei | x | x | x | 706 lei | x | x |
18.07-19.08 | x | 671 lei | x | x | x | 712 lei | x | x |
20.08-31.08 | x | 671 lei | x | x | x | 712 lei | x | x |
01.09-05.09 | x | 671 lei | x | 434 lei | x | 712 lei | x | 467 lei |
06.09-15.09 | 568 lei | 614 lei | 368 lei | 391 lei | 598 lei | 644 lei | 392 lei | 415 lei |
16.09-30.09 | 504 lei | 549 lei | 319 lei | 342 lei | 533 lei | 578 lei | 343 lei | 365 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte, si includ cazare si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si 1 persoana in camera single.
DP - fisa cont de 250 lei/camera dubla/zi si 125 lei/camera/single/zi.
PC - fisa cont de 290 lei/camera/zi si 145 lei/camera/single/zi.
Rezervarile se achita cu un avans de 50% in 24 de ore de la efectuare si diferenta cu 30 de zile inainte de cazare.
Rezervarile pot fi modificate sau anulate doar cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans.
Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii
Tratament 3 proceduri - 98 lei/persoana/zi.
Tratamentul include 3 proceduri in cadrul bazei de tratament a Sanatoriului Balnear si de Recuperare Techirghiol, la recomandarea medicului specialist.
Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-7.99 ani, beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-7.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate, al 2-lea copil achita pat suplimentar 80 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 8-13.99 ani, copilul achita pat suplimentar 80 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-7.99 si 8-13.99 ani - primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare fara pat suplimentar; al 2-lea copil achita 80 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar;
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 8-13.99 ani, fiecare copil achita supliment cazare 80 lei/zi si beneficiaza de 1 pat suplimentar.
- copiii peste 14 ani sunt considerati adulti si achita contravaloarea unui loc de cazare si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar. In cazul tarifelor cu demipensiune se va achita supliment masa 144 lei/zi si se va beneficiaza de 125 lei/zi fisa cont. In cazul tarifelor cu pensiune completa se va achita supliement masa 167 lei/zi si se va beneficiaza de 145 lei/zi fisa cont. Pentru copii nu exista obligativitate la achizitionarea fisei cont. Acestia pot consuma din fisa cont a parintilor.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-13.99 ani sau 3 adulti.
Special Offer: Whitsunday Offer Techirghiol
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival - 2025 - Oferta Rusalii | ||||||||
Perioada | Camera dubla Corp A, B | Camera single Corp A, B | Camera dubla Corp C | Camera single Corp C | ||||
DP | PC | DP | PC | DP | PC | DP | PC | |
06.06-09.06 | 483 lei | 529 lei | 301 lei | 324 lei | 513 lei | 559 lei | 325 lei | 348 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte, si includ cazare si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si 1 persoana in camera single.
DP - fisa cont de 250 lei/camera dubla/zi si 125 lei/camera/single/zi.
PC - fisa cont de 290 lei/camera/zi si 145 lei/camera/single/zi.
Rezervarile se achita cu un avans de 50% in 3 zile de la efectuare si diferenta cu 30 de zile inainte de cazare.
Rezervarile pot fi modificate sau anulate doar cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans.
Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii
Special Offer: Treatment Offers Techirghiol
Offer expires in days
Tratament 3 proceduri - 98 lei/persoana/zi.
Tratamentul include 3 proceduri in cadrul bazei de tratament a Sanatoriului Balnear si de Recuperare Techirghiol, la recomandarea medicului specialist.
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025
Oferta standard se va actualiza in curand.
Book online Anina Hotel Techirghiol
To make a hotel rezervation at Anina Hotel Techirghiol please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Anina Hotel Techirghiol
- Double room A,B wing
- Single room A, B wing
- Double room C wing
- Single room C wing
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Techirghiol accommodation
Techirghiol Hotels - accommodation offers for Techirghiol hotels
Location HotelTechirghiol
central area of the city
3 Victoriei str.
0m-100m fata de plaja