Balada Hotel Saturn, Early Booking 2025 22% DISCOUNT

Balada Hotel Saturn

Foto Hotel Balada Saturn

Balada Hotel 3*** Saturn is located in the northern area of the resort, on the seafront, in the vicinity of the Hora and Sirena hotels. Due to the special positioning, all the rooms of the Balada ... Continue reading

All Inclusive
Air conditioning

northern part of the resort, 20 meters from the beach, 905504 See the map

Description Balada hotel

Balada Hotel 3*** Saturn is located in the northern area of the resort, on the seafront, in the vicinity of the Hora and Sirena hotels. Due to the special positioning, all the rooms of the Balada hotel have a sea view. Compared to the center of the Saturn resort, Hotel Balada is located 300 meters away, and the train station in Mangalia, approximately 2 km away.
Balada Hotel is a tall, 14-storey hotel, served by elevator and with a total number of 283 rooms, equipped with LED TV, air conditioning, private bathroom with hair dryer, balcony and minibar.
Likewise, starting with 2023, with a new mangament team Balada hotel introduces the Ultra All Inclusive concept, consisting of: full meal plans (main meals and various snacks, served in buffet system), alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks served during 08.00-22.00 schedule, entertainment programes for adults and children alike, kids playground, free parking and wi-fi access in the public areas.
The treatment center is reopened in 2025, the therapies being offered for an extra charge. 
Parking is free, upon availability.

Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Balada Saturn you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?

Hotel facilities

283 double rooms
Rooms for disabled people
Wireless internet - in public areas
Balada Aqua Park - free access to the pool
Kids playground - outdoors
Treatment center
Luggage room
Safe at Reception
Parking - free, upon availability


Room facilities

Double room are equipped with air conditioning, minibar, cable TV, phone, balcony with table and chairs, double glazed windows, bathroom with shower, hair dryer, carpeted floor. All rooms feature two twin beds. Surface 19.05 sqm.
Suites consist of a living room with and extendable sofa and a queen bedded dormitory, hall way and bathroom. The suites are equipped with air conditioning (living area), minibar (living area), 2 LCD tvs (in the living room, as well as the bedroom), phone, balcony with table and chairs, double glazed windows, bathroom with shower, carpeted floor. Surface 35 mp.
The extra bed is fixed frame and it is rolled out of the twin bed. 

Other specificatios

Check-in: 14:00Check-out: 10:00

For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day


The Ultra All inclusive pack consists of: accommodation, breakfast (07.30-09.00), late breakfast (09.00-10.00),  lunch (12.30-15.00), snack before dinner (16.00-17.00), dinner (19.00-21.00), all served in buffet system,  drinks available in the restaurant during main meals (drinks include beer, draft white/rose/red wine,  juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, mineral/still water, vodka), drinks served in the lounge bar between 21.00-24.00 (include cocktails, long drinks, liquor, vermuth, cognac, whiskey, rom, bitter, beer, wine, Coca Cola range soft drinks, still/mineral water), drinks at the Pool bar between 09.00-12.30 and 15.00-18.30 (include beer, Coca Cola range soft drinks, juice, coffee, tea, still/mineral water), access to the outdoor pool (sun beds upon availability, between 09.00-18.30), access to the kids playground, gym in the lobby, entertainment for adults and children, free parking (upon availability), wi fi in shared spaces.
In the check-in day, lunch and dinner are served and tourits have free access to the Aqua Park pool starting with 14.00, and in the day of the check-out, breakfast is served.
The bracelet received at check-in must be worn during the whole stay.
The access to the beach is carried out via room access key through Balada Aqua Park gates. 
Pets are not allowed.

Balada Hotel Saturn - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS

Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Saturn

Offer expires in days

- pana la 22% DISCOUNT pana la 28.02.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de 25% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 28.02.2025. 
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 5 nopti, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Procentul a fost calculat pentru perioada 01.09-10.09.

Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.

Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii

Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 28.02.2025
Perioada Camera dubla
cu vedere la statiune
Camera dubla
cu vedere laterala la mare
Camera dubla
cu vedere frontala la mare
cu vedere spre mare
Ultra all inclusive
20.06-25.06 minim 5 nopti 597 lei 705 lei 814 lei 1221 lei
minim 7 nopti 533 lei 630 lei 727 lei 1090 lei
minim 9 nopti 497 lei 588 lei 678 lei 1018 lei
minim 11 nopti 475 lei 561 lei 648 lei 971 lei
26.06-02.07 minim 5 nopti 657 lei 773 lei 883 lei 1420 lei
minim 7 nopti 587 lei 690 lei 789 lei 1268 lei
minim 9 nopti 548 lei 644 lei 736 lei 1183 lei
minim 11 nopti 523 lei 615 lei 703 lei 1129 lei
03.07-09.07 minim 5 nopti 696 lei 799 lei 909 lei 1461 lei
minim 7 nopti 621 lei 714 lei 811 lei 1304 lei
minim 9 nopti 580 lei 666 lei 757 lei 1217 lei
minim 11 nopti 554 lei 636 lei 723 lei 1162 lei
10.07-19.07 minim 5 nopti 783 lei 847 lei 955 lei 1433 lei
minim 7 nopti 699 lei 756 lei 853 lei 1279 lei
minim 9 nopti 652 lei 705 lei 796 lei 1194  lei
minim 11 nopti 623 lei 673 lei 760 lei 1140 lei
20.07-24.08 minim 5 nopti 814 lei 944 lei 1053 lei 1579 lei
minim 7 nopti 727 lei 843 lei 940 lei 1410 lei
minim 9 nopti 678 lei 787 lei 877 lei 1316 lei
minim 11 nopti 648 lei 751 lei 837 lei 1256 lei
25.08-31.08 minim 5 nopti 736 lei 814 lei 955 lei 1433 lei
minim 7 nopti 658 lei 727 lei 853 lei 1279 lei
minim 9 nopti 614 lei 678 lei 796 lei 1194 lei
minim 11 nopti 586 lei 648 lei 760 lei 1140  lei
01.09-11.09 minim 5 nopti 640 lei 693 lei 832 lei 1279 lei
minim 7 nopti 571 lei 619 lei 743 lei 1142 lei
minim 9 nopti 533 lei 578 lei 693 lei 1066 lei
minim 11 nopti 509 lei 551 lei 662 lei 1018 lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 5 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si pentru 2 adulti + 2 copii 0-11.99 ani/3 adulti + 1 copil 0-4.99 ani in apartament cu ultra all inclusive, acces gratuit la piscina Aqua Parc Balada (sezlong-uri in limita locurilor disponibile in intervalul 09.00-18.30), divertisment pentru adulti si copii, acces la locul de joaca, parcare gratuita (in limita locurilor disponibile).

Ultra all inclusive - cazare si mic dejun 7:30-09:00, mic dejun intarziat 09:00-10:00, pranz 12:30-15:00, gustare inainte de cina 16:00-17:00, cina 19:00-21:00 toate servite in sistem bufet suedez, bauturi disponibile in restaurant in timpul meselor principale (includ bere, vin alb/roze/rosu la draft, sucuri, bauturi racoritoare, cafea, ceai, ciocolata calda, apa plata si minerala, vodka; bauturi servite la Lounge Bar in intervalul 21:00-24:00 lichior, vermut, bitter, rom, coniac, whiskey, bere, vin, long drinks, cocktails, bauturi racoritoare gama Coca-Cola, apa plata si minerala; bauturi la Pool Bar in intervalul orar 09:00-12:30 si 15:00-18:30 includ bere, bauturi racoritoare gama Coca-Cola, sucuri, cafea, ceai, apa plata si minerala; acces la piscina exterioara, sezlonguri la piscina in limita disponibilitatii intre orele 09:00-18:30; acces la locul de joaca pentru copii, gym in lobby, divertisment adulti si copii, parcare gratuita in limita disponibilitatii, wi-fi in spatiile comune.
Toate bauturile si mancarea se consuma exclusiv in resortul Balada, in zonele special amenajate.

Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025

Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025
Perioada Camera dubla
cu vedere la statiune
Camera dubla
cu vedere laterala la mare
Camera dubla
cu vedere frontala la mare
cu vedere spre mare
Ultra all inclusive
20.06-25.06 733 lei 866 lei 1000 lei 1499 lei
26.06-02.07 807 lei 950 lei 1085 lei 1744 lei
03.07-09.07 870 lei 999 lei 1136 lei 1826 lei
10.07-19.07 996 lei 1077 lei 1215 lei 1822 lei
20.07-24.08 1053 lei 1222 lei 1362 lei 2043 lei
25.08-31.08 953 lei 1053 lei 1236 lei 1854 lei
01.09-11.09 821 lei 890 lei 1067 lei 1642 lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla si pentru 2 adulti + 2 copii 0-11.99 ani/3 adulti + 1 copil 0-4.99 ani in apartament cu ultra all inclusive, acces gratuit la piscina Aqua Parc Balada (sezlong-uri in limita locurilor disponibile in intervalul 09.00-18.30), divertisment pentru adulti si copii, acces la locul de joaca, parcare gratuita (in limita locurilor disponibile).

Ultra all inclusive - cazare si mic dejun 7:30-09:00, mic dejun intarziat 09:00-10:00, pranz 12:30-15:00, gustare inainte de cina 16:00-17:00, cina 19:00-21:00 toate servite in sistem bufet suedez, bauturi disponibile in restaurant in timpul meselor principale (includ bere, vin alb/roze/rosu la draft, sucuri, bauturi racoritoare, cafea, ceai, ciocolata calda, apa plata si minerala, vodka; bauturi servite la Lounge Bar in intervalul 21:00-24:00 lichior, vermut, bitter, rom, coniac, whiskey, bere, vin, long drinks, cocktails, bauturi racoritoare gama Coca-Cola, apa plata si minerala; bauturi la Pool Bar in intervalul orar 09:00-12:30 si 15:00-18:30 includ bere, bauturi racoritoare gama Coca-Cola, sucuri, cafea, ceai, apa plata si minerala; acces la piscina exterioara, sezlonguri la piscina in limita disponibilitatii intre orele 09:00-18:30; acces la locul de joaca pentru copii, gym in lobby, divertisment adulti si copii, parcare gratuita in limita disponibilitatii, wi-fi in spatiile comune.
Toate bauturile si mancarea se consuma exclusiv in resortul Balada, in zonele special amenajate.

Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-4.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si masa fara pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 2 copiii (1 copil 0-4.99 ani, al 2 copil 5-8.99 ani) al 2-lea copil  achita 70 lei/zi pentru cazare si ultra all inclusive, fara pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 2 copiii (1 copil 0-4.99 ani, al 2 copil 9-11.99 ani) al 2-lea copil achita 70 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 110 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 5-8.99 ani, copiii achita fiecare 70 lei/zi pentru cazare si ultra all inclusive, fara pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 9-11.99 ani, copilul achita 70 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 110 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 9-11.99 ani, primul copil achita 70 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 110 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive si al 2-lea copil achita 110 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copiii (1 copil 5-8.99 ani, al 2 copil 9-11.99 ani) primul copil achita 70 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive, iar al 2-lea copil achita 70 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 110 lei/zi pentru ultra all inclusive.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-11.99 ani.
Capacitate maxima apartament: 3 adulti si 1 copil de 0-4.99 ani sau 2 adulti si 2 copii de 0-11.99 ani.

Book online Balada Hotel Saturn

To make a hotel rezervation at Balada Hotel Saturn please fill in the form below contact information

Personal data

Accommodation period

Number of rooms and persons

Children ages

Other specificatios

By pressing this button you agree to: Terms of use & Tourists Contract

Frequent questions for Balada Hotel Saturn

The following types of rooms are available for this hotel :
- Double room with resort view
- Double room with partial sea view
- Double room with frontal sea view
- Apartment with sea view
- Double room with balcony and resort view
- Double room with balcony and partial sea view
- Double room with balcony and frontal sea view
- Apartment
Reservations made at this hotel can be paid in cash according to the specifications on the invoice, by bank transfer in the agency's accounts, online with the card or with holiday vouchers (holiday vouchers).
Yes, the hotel has its own restaurant.
At this hotel the tourists can stay starting with the hour 14:00 , and the maximum check-out time is 10:00
Guests staying at Balada Hotel can benefit from the following facilities
Yes, you can pay with both vouchers and a holiday card.
Why to choose Balada Hotel Saturn ? Find out what other customers have said. Balada Hotel from Saturn has the grade of 7.2 out of 355 reviews.
Most recent reservation at Balada Hotel: 21.02.2025 at 16:27

We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.

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Sorry, reservations for more than 30 days are not possible.
Children's ages:

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Hotel Balada Saturn


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