This hotel is included in the FREE CANCELLATION program - see conditions
For bookings at Hotel Roxy si Mario we accept payment with holiday vouchers/tickets
Roxy & Maryo 3*** hotel Eforie Nord is located in the center of the resort, close to the Summer Theatre and approximately 320 meters from the beach. Roxy & Maryo hotel offers accom ... Continue reading
50 meters from Teatrul de Vara, 320 meters from Grand Clinic, 5 minutes from the beach, 14 Diamant str. See the map
Choose dates to calculate your stay at Roxy si Mario hotel
Description Roxy si Mario hotel
Roxy & Maryo 3*** hotel Eforie Nord is located in the center of the resort, close to the Summer Theatre and approximately 320 meters from the beach.
Roxy & Maryo hotel offers accommodation in spacious rooms, recently renovated in 2021 and set with modern furniture. They are equipped with air conditioning, LCD tv, minibar and bathrooms with hair dryer.
Aside from the accommodation, Roxy & Maryo hotel provides a restaurant with outdoor covered terrace where breakfast can be served between 08.00-10.00, as well as lunch and dinner. For the little ones, Roxy & Maryo hotel also provides an outdoor playground set in one of the kazebos in the garden. The interior court features decorative plants and trees, kazebos and swings.
Roxy & Maryo hotel has private parking, offered for free, upon availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Roxy si Mario Eforie Nord you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
Double rooms
Lounge area
Wireless internet
Kids outdoor playground
Ping pong table
Electric car charging point - extra charge
Private parking - free, upon availability
Room facilities
All the rooms were renovated in 2021 and are set with air conditioning, tv, minibar, wi fi, partially renovated bathroom with shower and hair dryer. All the rooms have balcony.
The double room has either a matrimonial bed or two twin beds. Surface approximately 16 sqm.
The apartment consists of 2 bedrooms (both with matrimonial beds and door), 2 balconies and 2 bathrooms with shower cabin and hair dryer. Surface 30 sqm.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 14:00Check-out: 12:00
For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day
Breakfast is served in menu options system between 08.00-10.00
Pets are not allowed.
Roxy si Mario Hotel Eforie Nord - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS
Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Eforie Nord
Offer expires in days
- pana la 7% DISCOUNT pana la 15.04.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de doar 20% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 15.04.2025.
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Procentul a fost calculat pentru perioada 11.07-17.07.
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.
Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 15.04.2025 | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Apartament |
02.01-17.04 | 218 Lei | 426 Lei |
21.04-24.04 | 218 Lei | 426 Lei |
25.04-30.04 | 225 Lei | 428 Lei |
04.05-29.05 | 240 Lei | 465 Lei |
30.05-05.06 | 261 Lei | 502 Lei |
09.06-09.06 | 266 Lei | 511 Lei |
10.06-12.06 | 261 Lei | 502 Lei |
13.06-20.06 | 293 Lei | 489 Lei |
21.06-26.06 | 298 Lei | 498 Lei |
27.06-03.07 | 320 Lei | 617 Lei |
04.07-10.07 | 355 Lei | 688 Lei |
11.07-17.07 | 448 Lei | 874 Lei |
18.07-23.08 | 452 Lei | 882 Lei |
24.08-30.08 | 393 Lei | 765 Lei |
31.08-06.09 | 298 Lei | 498 Lei |
07.09-13.09 | 293 Lei | 489 Lei |
14.09-31.10 | 240 Lei | 465 Lei |
01.11-30.12 | 214 Lei | 418 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte in perioadele 02.01-03.07 si 24.08-30.12 si minim 2 nopti in perioada 04.07-23.08 si includ cazare si mic dejun pentru 2 adulti in camera dubla si pentru 4 persoane in apartament, parcare gratuita, internet wireless, acces la locul de joaca pentru copii.
Mic dejun (Variante de meniu).
Special Offer: Extrasezon Offer Eforie Nord
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2024-2025 - Oferta Extrasezon | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Apartament |
14.12-29.12.2024 | 230 Lei | 448 Lei |
02.01-17.04.2025 | 230 Lei | 448 Lei |
21.04-25.04.2025 | 230 Lei | 448 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte si includ cazare si mic dejun pentru 2 adulti in camera dubla si pentru 4 persoane in apartament, parcare gratuita, internet wireless, acces la locul de joaca pentru copii.
Mic dejun (Variante de meniu).
Special Offer: Free Vacation Days Eforie Nord
Offer expires in days
"Platesti 5 nopti si stai 6"
Oferta este valabila in perioada 02.01-12.06 si 14.09-30.12.2025, pentru orice sejur de minim 6 nopti se beneficiaza de o noapte de cazare gratuita (ultima noapte din sejur). Micul dejun se achita in noaptea gratuita.
Oferta "Zile gratuite" nu se cumuleaza cu alte oferte speciale: de ex Inscrieri Timpurii.
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2026
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla | Apartament |
21.04-24.04 | 230 Lei | 448 Lei |
25.04-30.04 | 237 Lei | 451 Lei |
04.05-29.05 | 258 Lei | 498 Lei |
30.05-05.06 | 280 Lei | 538 Lei |
09.06-09.06 | 285 Lei | 547 Lei |
10.06-12.06 | 280 Lei | 538 Lei |
13.06-20.06 | 314 Lei | 524 Lei |
21.06-26.06 | 316 Lei | 529 Lei |
27.06-03.07 | 336 Lei | 650 Lei |
04.07-10.07 | 380 Lei | 737 Lei |
11.07-17.07 | 484 Lei | 944 Lei |
18.07-23.08 | 488 Lei | 952 Lei |
24.08-30.08 | 425 Lei | 826 Lei |
31.08-06.09 | 319 Lei | 534 Lei |
07.09-13.09 | 314 Lei | 524 Lei |
14.09-31.10 | 258 Lei | 498 Lei |
01.11-30.12 | 230 Lei | 448 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte in perioadele 21.04-03.07 si 24.08-30.12 si minim 2 nopti in perioada 04.07-23.08 si includ cazare si mic dejun pentru 2 adulti in camera dubla si pentru 4 persoane in apartament, parcare gratuita, internet wireless, acces la locul de joaca pentru copii.
Mic dejun (Variante de meniu).
Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-3.99 ani - beneficiaza de cazare gratuita. Daca se doreste mic dejun se achita 46 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-3.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de cazare gratuita, daca se doreste mic dejun se achita 46 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil achita 115 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 4-11.99 ani beneficiaza de cazare gratuita fara pat suplimentar, dar achita supliment de mic dejun 46 lei/zi. In cazul in care se doreste pat suplimentar, se achita 115 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 4-7.99 ani - primul copil achita supliment de mic dejun 46 Lei/zi, iar al 2-lea copil achita 115 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-3.99, 1 copil 4-7.99 ani) - primul copil beneficiaza de cazare, daca se doreste mic dejun se achita 46 lei/zi, iar al doilea copil achita 115 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-3.99, 1 copil 8-11.99 ani) - primul copil beneficiaza de cazare, daca se doreste mic dejun se achita 46 lei/zi iar al doilea copil achita 115 lei/zi si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii ( 1 copil 4-7.99 ani, 1copil 8-11.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, dar achita mic dejun 46 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil achita 115 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 8-11.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, dar achita mic dejun 46 lei/zi, al 2-lea copil achita 115 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 12 -17.99 ani - achita pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun 115 lei/zi.
- al 3 lea adult - achita pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun 161 lei/zi.
- 4 adulti si si 1 copil 12-17.99 ani, in apartament, copilul achita pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun 115 lei/zi.
- al 5-lea adult, in apartament, achita pentru pat suplimentar si mic dejun 161 lei/zi.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii 2 copii 0-11.99 ani sau 3 adulti.
Capacitate maxima apartament: 5 adulti si 2 copii 0-3.99 ani.
Book online Roxy si Mario Hotel Eforie Nord
To make a hotel rezervation at Roxy si Mario Hotel Eforie Nord please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Roxy si Mario Hotel Eforie Nord
- Double room
- Apartment
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Eforie Nord accommodation
Eforie Nord Hotels - accommodation offers for Eforie Nord hotels
Location HotelEforie Nord
50 meters from Teatrul de Vara, 320 meters from Grand Clinic, 5 minutes from the beach
14 Diamant str.
100m-500m fata de plaja