Kleyn Hotel (3 stars) is located very close to the Tabacariei Lake, Dolphinarium and Mamaia Resort.
across the street fomr Farul Stadium, 63A Primaverii str. See the map
Description Kleyn hotel
Kleyn Hotel (3 stars) is located very close to the Tabacariei Lake, Dolphinarium and Mamaia Resort.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Kleyn Constanta you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the Litoralulromanesc.ro website?
Hotel facilities
- 10 double rooms, 5 studios, 1 suite
- restaurant, terrace
- playground for children
- conference room
Room facilities
The single/double rooms provides own bathroom, fridge, air conditioning, color TV, phone, superior quality furniture and facilities.
The studios are more spacious and the suites provides a living room and a dormitory.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 18:00Check-out: 12:00
For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 1% of the value of the accommodation rate without VAT for the entire stay
Frequent questions for
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Constanta accommodation
Constanta Hotels - accommodation offers for Constanta hotels
Location Constanta
across the street fomr Farul Stadium
63A Primaverii str.
peste 500m fata de plaja