Accomodation Saturn 2025 - 19 accommodation units, offers at hotels, villas and pensions

Accommodation Saturn 2025

Saturn offers, Saturn accomodation, romanian seaside 2025

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Saturn 2026

Description of the resort Saturn

SATURN is the close neighbor of Mangalia city which it belongs administratively. It is at about 43 km from Constanta city, Saturn resort is attractive through the advantages it offers to its tourists. The rich vegetation and the peaceful atmosphere would be two of its features which make Saturn to be searched by those who wish a relaxing holiday far from the busy daily life. All the accommodation spots are surrounded by greenery and trees which provide fresh air and coolness during a hot summer. Another advantage Saturn resort offers is the presence in the area of sulphurous hypothermic sources and the therapeutic mud, both used in treating gynaecological and locomotive disorders. Comparing

 Description Saturn

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Saturn 2026

Description of the resort Saturn

SATURN is the close neighbor of Mangalia city which it belongs administratively. It is at about 43 km from Constanta city, Saturn resort is attractive through the advantages it offers to its tourists. The rich vegetation and the peaceful atmosphere would be two of its features which make Saturn to be searched by those who wish a relaxing holiday far from the busy daily life. All the accommodation spots are surrounded by greenery and trees which provide fresh air and coolness during a hot summer. Another advantage Saturn resort offers is the presence in the area of sulphurous hypothermic sources and the therapeutic mud, both used in treating gynaecological and locomotive disorders. Comparing

 Description Saturn

Accommodation Special Offers Saturn 2025

Seaside special offers - See the best deals on seaside

  Treatment Offers Saturn

The Treatment Offer provides the opportunity to enjoy the relaxation procedures, maintenance or balneo during your stay at the seaside. The treatments centers on the sea side are well maintained and in some cases, they are fitted...

News from Saturn

Find the latest information on seaside events

We have appointed 105 winners of the Romanian Coast raffle!

LitoralulRomanesc te rasplateste: am desemnat 105 castigatori ai campaniei   Pentru a VI-a ediție, premiaza si anul acesta fidelitatea turistilor...

We have appointed 106 winners of the Romanian Coast raffle!

Tombola Litoralul Romanesc te rasplateste: am desemnat 106 castigatori ai campaniei Campania premiaza si anul acesta fidelitatea turistilor care si-au petrecut...

Pictures Saturn

Pictures from Saturn - See interesting photos from the beach and from the resort Saturn

Sights and attractions Saturn

Find out what sights you can visit in Saturn and surroundings

Aqua Magic Mamaia

Aqua Magic Mamaia

The water park AQUA MAGIC is placed at the southern entrance of Mamaia resort, close to Telegondola station. The access in the water park is not made via the main boulevard of the resort,...

The Natural Microreserve

The Natural Microreserve

The Microreserve of the Natural Science Museum Complex is a unique place in Constanta. Inaugurated in 1985, the microreserve covers an area of approximately 6 ha of which 2 ha of...

The National Museum of History and Archaeology

The National Museum of History and Archaeology

The National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanta is one of the richest museums in Romania and the second largest institution in thefcountry, after the National History Museum...

The Art Museum

The Art Museum

Located in downtown, at the intersection of Tomis and Ferdinand avenues, the Art Museum is an institution that impresses with the artistic values that it holds. Known as the second...

The Gravity Park

The Gravity Park

The Gravity Park from Constanta is the largest outdoor complex in Romania dedicated to extreme sports. Located on Soveja street, on the southern shore of Lake Tabacarie, the Gravity...

The Buried Church of Istria

The Buried Church of Istria

  Istria is a village located about 55 kilometers north of Constanta. The access to the village can be made through municipal road that emerges from the E87 highway, linking...

Metamorphosis Greek Church

Metamorphosis Greek Church

The Greek Church "Metamorphosis" is a small sanctuary located in the historical area of the city, on Mircea cel Batran street, close to the Modern beach. The story fo the...

The Casino

The Casino

Always present in the tourists seaside photos and the postcards, Constanta's Casino is arguably the city emblem. An imposing building that exudes the air since his glory days, the...

The Folk Art Museum of Constanta

The Folk Art Museum of Constanta

The Folk Art Museum is located in the historic area of Constanta on the intersection of Tomis Boulevard with Traian Street. The museum is hosted by a building with great significance...

Hunchiar Mosque

Hunchiar Mosque

The Hunchiar Mosque is situated in the historic area of the city, a few steps from the Museum of Traditional Art. This place is not tvery large but has a huge significance for the history...

The Archeological Park

The Archeological Park

The Archaeological Park is an area with rich vegetation where the ancient Tomis spirit is still present. The park covers an area generally between Constantas City Hall and Ferdinand...

The Argamum Stronghold

The Argamum Stronghold

A true treasure of history, the first settlement of our country mentioned in ancient documents, Argamum Stronghold (late sixth century BC). The fortress is located on Lake Razelm,...

Opinions about Saturn

Find out what tourists think about Saturn - 3085 assessments

Grade 8/10

Latest review

Am stat in acest an in statiunea Saturn la hotelul Cerna si sunt dezamagit in totalitate de serviciile oferite.Hotelul nu isi merita nici pe departe cele trei stele.Pe perioada sejurului care a durat 5 zile nu mi sa luat gunoiul din camera,nu mi-au fost schimbate prosoapele care erau rupte,nu a fost aspirat niciodata,nu am avut hartie igienica,nu are wi-fi,usile de la balcon si de la intrare nu se inchid bine.Nu stiu pe ce criterii a luat acest hotel 3 stele dar dupa parerea mea acest hotel este de cel mult doua stele.Despre plaja pot sa spun ca este un dezastru,nu este curatata este invadata de alge si de scoici si mirosul pe malul marii este insuportabil.Este pt mine un concediu ratat si as vrea sa ma credeti pe cuvant sa nu fiti in situatia mea.STIMABILILOR LA 3 STELE WI-FI ESTE OBLIGATORIU,PROSOAPELE SI LENJERIA SE SCHIMBA LA 3 ZILE,SE ASPIRA SI SE IA GUNOIUL IN FIECARE ZI,APA IN BAIE NU TREBUIE SA BALTEASCA SI CA SA NU VA MAI BATETI JOC DE TURISTI AMENAJATI SI PLAJA.PE MINE MA-TI PIERDUT DE CLIENT SI ASTA O SA ZIC TUTUROR PRIETENILOR SA NU PATEASCA CE AM PATIT EU.

Accommodation page Saturn

Information about accomodation offers for resort Saturn

This is the page dedicated to the resort Saturn. To find an accommodation offer in Saturn go to the section Hotels Saturn. For assistance, additional information and reservations you can contact us by phone at: 0241 999 or you can consult our Client Support Team.

Litoralul Romanesc Agency accepts holiday vouchers for all the hotels present on the site

Useful information Saturn

Useful information Saturn

Emergency health services: The Emergency Service - 112

Post offices:
Post Office Mangalia 1 - Sos. Oituz Nr.33 - tel: 0241.751.007
Post Office Mangalia 2 - Sos. Muncitorului Nr.2 - tel: 0241.751.001

Safety of the citizen :
Police Mangalia - Sos. Constantei, 1, Mangalia - tel: 0241.751.305