This hotel is included in the FREE CANCELLATION program - see conditions
For bookings at Casa Lucas we accept payment with holiday vouchers/tickets
Casa Lucas 3*** Costinesti is located in the northern part of the resort, some 400 meters from the beach and in close proximity to the area where Beach Please festival is held. Launched in 2016 ... Continue reading
400 meters from the beach, Aurel Vlaicu street, no 28, Costinesti See the map
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Description Casa Lucas
Casa Lucas 3*** Costinesti is located in the northern part of the resort, some 400 meters from the beach and in close proximity to the area where Beach Please festival is held.
Launched in 2016 and last renovated in 2024 when a new floor was added, Casa Lucas provides 30 double rooms set with air conditioning, LCD tv, wi fi, minibar, bathroom with shower. Some rooms feature balcony. Casa Lucas is structured on ground floor and 2 storeys.
Likewise, Casa Lucas features a shared kitchen (stove, oven, microwave, toaster, table ware), gazebo, terrace, as well as barbeque area.
Casa Lucas offers private parking, for free, upon availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Casa Lucas Costinesti you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
3 double rooms without balcony
16 double rooms with balcony
11 queen deluxe double rooms
Reception 24/7
Safe in reception
Luggage room
Wireless internet
Shared kitchen
Baby cot - free, upon availability
Private parking - free, upon availability
Room facilities
The double rooms without balcony feature a matrimonial bed (160x200), LCD tv, wi fi, air conditioning, minibar, mosquito nets, bathroom with shower and hair dryer. Surface 20 sqm.
The double rooms with balcony feature a matrimonial bed (160x200), LCD tv, wi fi, air conditioning, minibar, mosquito nets, bathroom with shower and hair dryer, balcony. Surface 20 sqm.
The queen deluxe double rooms were renovated fully in 2024 and feature a matrimonial bed (160x200), LCD tv, wi fi, air conditioning, minibar, mosquito nets, bathroom with walk in shower and hair dryer. Surface 20 sqm.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 15:00Check-out: 11:00
Pets are allowed for free.
Casa Lucas Rooms Costinesti - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS
Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Costinesti
Offer expires in days
- pana la 14% DISCOUNT pana la 30.04.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de doar 20% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 30.04.2025.
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Procentul a fost calculat pentru perioada 06.06-2.06.
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.
Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 30.04.2025 | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
30.04-05.05 | 152 Lei | 198 Lei |
06.05-31.05 | 133 Lei | 174 Lei |
01.06-05.06 | 143 Lei | 186 Lei |
06.06-09.06 | 162 Lei | 211 Lei |
10.06-22.06 | 143 Lei | 186 Lei |
23.06-30.06 | 155 Lei | 202 Lei |
01.07-08.07 | 188 Lei | 244 Lei |
09.07-13.07 | 1530 Lei | 1990 Lei |
14.07-31.07 | 267 Lei | 346 Lei |
01.08-20.08 | 296 Lei | 385 Lei |
21.08-31.08 | 276 Lei | 358 Lei |
01.09-06.09 | 194 Lei | 252 Lei |
07.09-30.09 | 162 Lei | 211 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti in perioadele 30.04-05.05, 01.06-09.06, 23.06-08.0714.07-06.09, minim 1 noapte in perioada 06.05-31.05, 10.06-22.06 si 07.09-30.09 si minim 5 nopti in perioada 09.07-13.07 si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Special Offer: Seaside for everybody Costinesti
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 - Oferta Litoralul pentru toti | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
06.05-31.05 | 153 Lei | 199 Lei |
10.06-22.06 | 168 Lei | 218 Lei |
07.09-13.09 | 189 Lei | 246 Lei |
14.09-30.09 | 186 Lei | 242 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 1 noapte si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Special Offer: 1st of May Costinesti
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 - Oferta 1 Mai | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
30.04-05.05 | 173 Lei | 223 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Special Offer: Whitsunday Offer Costinesti
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 - Oferta Rusalii | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
06.06-09.06 | 189 Lei | 246 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Special Offer: Beach Please Festival 2025 Costinesti
Offer expires in days
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
09.07-13.07 | 1530 Lei | 1990 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 5 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025
Tarife de cazare pentru sezonul estival - 2025 | ||
Perioada | Camera dubla standard | Camera dubla deluxe |
30.04-05.05 | 173 Lei | 223 Lei |
06.05-31.05 | 153 Lei | 199 Lei |
01.06-05.06 | 165 Lei | 214 Lei |
06.06-09.06 | 189 Lei | 246 Lei |
10.06-22.06 | 168 Lei | 218 Lei |
23.06-30.06 | 181 Lei | 235 Lei |
01.07-08.07 | 218 Lei | 282 Lei |
09.07-13.07 | 1530 Lei | 1990 Lei |
14.07-31.07 | 315 Lei | 410 Lei |
01.08-20.08 | 350 Lei | 455 Lei |
21.08-31.08 | 323 Lei | 420 Lei |
01.09-06.09 | 227 Lei | 295 Lei |
07.09-13.09 | 189 Lei | 246 Lei |
14.09-30.09 | 186 Lei | 242 Lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 2 nopti in perioadele 30.04-05.05, 01.06-09.06, 23.06-08.0714.07-06.09, minim 1 noapte in perioada 06.05-31.05, 10.06-22.06 si 07.09-30.09 si minim 5 nopti in perioada 09.07-13.07 si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla.
Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-9.99 ani, copii beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, fara pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 10-17.99 ani, opilul achita 50% din valoarea unui loc si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-9.99 ani, 1 copil 10-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, al 2-lea copil achita 50% din valoarea unui loc si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar.
- al 3-lea adult achita 50% din valoarea unui loc si beneficiaza de pat suplimentar.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-9.99 ani, 1 copil 10-17.99 ani) sau 3 adulti.
Book online Casa Lucas Costinesti
To make a hotel rezervation at Casa Lucas Costinesti please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Casa Lucas Costinesti
- Camera dubla standard
- Camera dubla deluxe
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Costinesti accommodation
Costinesti Hotels - accommodation offers for Costinesti hotels
Location RoomsCostinesti
400 meters from the beach
Aurel Vlaicu street, no 28, Costinesti
100m-500m fata de plaja