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Secure your stay at sea with Cancellation Insurance
Free cancellation with Cancellation insurance with COVID-19 coverage
A stay on the Romanian coast should mean exclusively fun, good mood, rest and beautiful memories. Because we do not want to let the COVID-19 virus interfere with the above, we have developed a 'safety net' for you by introducing a reversal insurance with COVID-19 coverage.
Call us today at 0241 999 and we will discuss in detail about an offer customized to your needs. The insurance is available for any stay booked through, regardless of the resort, hotel or payment method (bank card, payment order, in installments ).
The Covid-19 cover cancellation policy is specially designed in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and the uncertainties we all face during this period.
1. What is cancellation insurance?
Especially for tourists, we have introduced in the cancellation insurance clauses that cover the unforeseen situations generated by the coronavirus pandemic. The most important advantage: in case of an illness with the Sars-Cov2 virus, the tourist can cancel the reservation made free of charge and the amounts paid will be refunded.
Special pentru turistii, am introdus in asigurarea de tip storno clauze care acopera situatiile neprevazute generate de pandemia de coronavirus. Cel mai important avantaj: in cazul unei imbolnaviri cu virusul Sars-Cov2, turistul poate anula gratuit rezervarea facuta si i se returneaza sumele achitate.
2. What is the advantage of purchasing a cancellation insurance policy that includes Covid-19 protection?
Full compensation (without deductible) for penalties if you have to cancel your trip due to an unforeseen event, including a condition caused by an epidemic or pandemic, such as Covid.
Despagubirea integrala (fara fransiza) a penalitatilor aplicate in cazul in care esti nevoit sa iti anulezi calatoria din cauza unui eveniment neprevazut, inclusiv o afectiune cauzata de o epidemie sau pandemie, cum ar fi Covid.
3. What are the events insured within the Covid 19 protection?
1. Sickness of the insured person caused by an epidemic or pandemic, such as Covid-19
2. Mandatory isolation (quarantine) imposed on the insured person by order of the government or the authority, because the insured person suffers from a contagious disease (including a disease caused by an epidemic or pandemic, such as Covid-19) or if there is a suspicion that the insured person would have contracted such a condition.
1. Imbolnavirea persoanei asigurate cauzata de o epidemie sau pandemie, cum ar fi Covid-19
2. Izolarea obligatorie (carantina), impusa persoanei asigurate prin ordin al guvernului sau al autoritatii, deoarece persoana asigurata sufera de o afectiune contagioasa (inclusiv o afectiune cauzata de o epidemie sau pandemie, cum ar fi Covid-19) sau daca exista suspiciunea ca persoana asigurata ar fi contractat o astfel de afectiune.
4. What are ALL the events insured in the cancellation insurance product?
1. Sudden serious illness (including an illness caused by an epidemic or pandemic, such as Covid-19), adverse reactions to vaccines (prescribed injections only), injury caused by an accident, or death of the insured person.
2. Sudden serious illness (including an illness caused by an epidemic or pandemic, such as Covid-19, if the person's life is endangered and hospitalization is required for intensive care), sudden serious injury or death of one of the these persons: the marriage partner or the life partner (registration form for the 3-month population); parents (stepparents, in-laws, grandparents); children (stepchildren, sons-in-law, grandchildren); brothers and sisters, brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law; high person specified nominally in the policy (eg good).
3. Sudden severe, unexpected worsening of a pre-existing condition of the insured person, according to the General Insurance Conditions.
4. Pregnancy is an insured event if it is ascertained and medically confirmed after the conclusion of the insurance.
5. Unexpected dismissal by the employer.
6. Submission of the divorce action by the marriage partner of the insured person.
7. Failure to pass a final class or baccalaureate.
8. In the case of up to 7 persons specified in a policy, who have booked the trip together (regardless of the degree of kinship), it is a case insured even in the situation where a certain reason, among those mentioned in the General Conditions Insurance, intervenes only for one of these 7 people.
9. If the elementary damages or thefts by burglary seriously influence the property of the insured person, and as a result of these events the presence of the insured person is indispensable.
10. Concentration for basic military service or for civilian service instead of military service.
1. Imbolnavirea grava brusca (inclusiv o afectiune cauzata de o epidemie sau pandemie, cum ar fi Covid-19), reactii adverse la vaccinuri (numai in cazul injectiilor prescrise), vatamarea cauzata de un accident sau decesul persoanei asigurate.
2. Imbolnavirea grava brusca (inclusiv o afectiune cauzata de o epidemie sau pandemie, cum ar fi Covid-19, daca viata persoanei in cauza este pusa in pericol si este necesara internarea in spital pentru terapie intensiva), vatamarea grava brusca sau decesul uneia dintre aceste persoane: partenerul de casatorie sau partenerul de viata (buletin de inscriere in evidenta populatiei de 3 luni); parintii (parinti vitregi, socrii, bunici); copiii (copii vitregi, gineri, nepoti); fratii si surorile, cumnatii sau cumnatele; alta persoana specificata nominal in polita (ex. bona).
3. Inrautatirea grava brusca, neasteptata, a unei afectiuni preexistente a persoanei asigurate, conform Conditiilor Generale de Asigurare.
4. Sarcina este un eveniment asigurat daca este constatata si confirmata medical dupa incheierea asigurarii.
5. Concedierea neasteptata de catre angajator.
6. Inaintarea actiunii de divort de catre partenerul de casatorie al persoanei asigurate.
7. Nepromovarea unei clase terminale sau a bacalaureatului.
8. In cazul a pana la 7 persoane specificate într-o polita, care au rezervat împreună calatoria (indiferent de gradul de rudenie), este vorba despre un caz asigurat chiar si în situatia in care un anumit motiv, dintre cele mentionate in Conditiile Generale de Asigurare, intervine numai pentru una dintre aceste 7 persoane.
9. In cazul in care daunele elementare sau furturile prin spargere influenteaza grav proprietatea persoanei asigurate, iar in urma acestor evenimente prezenta persoanei asigurate este indispensabila.
10. Concentrarea pentru serviciul militar de baza sau pentru serviciul civil in locul serviciului militar.
5. What are the insurance conditions?
If the insurance policy is issued within a maximum of 3 working days from the date of booking the tourist services package, all events insured according to the product leaflet come into force once the policy is issued.
If the insurance policy is issued after the 3 working days from the date of booking the stay, but up to 31 days before the start of the stay, only those events that take place starting with the 10th day after the end of the insurance will be insured (exceptions: accident, death, elementary event). For this case, tourists must know that after these 10 days all the insured events according to the chosen insurance package will enter into force.
Insurance coverage begins with the issuance of the insurance policy and ends with the start of the stay.
If the stay is booked less than 30 days before the start date of the stay, the insurance policy can be concluded within a maximum of 3 working days from the date of purchase of the tourist package.
For the tourist packages whose value is higher than RON 45,000, the insurance premium will be calculated based on the declarations of the insured persons from the completed medical questionnaire.
Daca polita de asigurare se emite in maxim 3 zile lucratoare de la data rezervarii pachetului de servicii turistice, toate evenimentele asigurate conform pliantului produsului intra in vigoare odata cu emiterea politei.
Daca polita de asigurare se emite dupa cele 3 zile lucratoare de la data rezervarii sejurului, dar pana la 31 de zile inainte de inceperea sejurului, vor fi asigurate doar acele evenimente care au loc începând cu a 10-a zi după încheierea asigurării (excepţii: accident, deces, eveniment elementar). Pentru acest caz, turistii trebuie sa stie ca dupa aceste 10 zile vor intra in vigoare toate evenimentele asigurate conform pachetului de asigurare ales.
Protecţia prin asigurare începe odată cu emiterea poliţei de asigurare şi se încheie odată cu începerea sejurului.
In cazul in care rezervarea sejurului se face cu mai putin de 30 de zile înainte de data inceperii sejurului, polita de asigurare se poate încheia în maxim 3 zile lucrătoare de la data achiziționării pachetului turistic.
Pentru pachetele turistice a caror valoare este mai mare de 45.000 RON, prima de asigurare va fi calculata in baza declaratiilor persoanelor asigurate din chestionarul medical completat.
6. What is the insurance premium (insurance price) for the Covid 19 protection cancellation policy?
The insurance premium is calculated according to the value of the stay and the ages of the insured persons , but it does not exceed a few percent of the total cost of the stay.
Prima de asigurare este calculata in functie de valoarea sejurului si a varstelor persoanelor asigurate , dar nu depaseste cateva procente din costul total al sejurului.
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