Seaside Transportation

Transportation, inland and exterior, information about transportation on seaside...

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Embassies list

Embassies and consulates of other countries present in Romania

South Africa (ZA)

Adr: Bucharest, 26-28 Stirbei Voda street, Union International Business Center, 2nd floor, Sector 1

Tel: 021/313.37.25; 021/313.37.35  Fax: 021/313.37.95;

Albania (AL)

Adr: Bucharest, 7 Duiliu Zamfirescu Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/211.98.29; 021/312.22.10  Fax: 021/210.80.39;

Algeria (DZ)

Adr: Bucharest, 29 Lascar Catargiu Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/212.41.85;   Fax: 021/211.56.95;

Saudi Arabia (SA)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 Polona Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/210.91.09; 021/210.92.21  Fax: 021/212.12.57;

Argentina (AR)

Adr: Bucharest, 11 Ion Campineanu Street, Union International Center, 3rd floor, apt. 301

Tel: 021/312.26.26; 021/312.30.44  Fax: 021/312.01.16;

Armenia (AM)

Adr: Bucharest, 27 Intr. Poiana, Sector 1

Tel: 021/233.24.52;   Fax: 021/233.27.25;

Austria (AT)

Adr: Bucharest, 7 Dumbrava Rosie Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/201.56.12; 021/201.56.15  Fax: 021/210.08.85;

Austria (AT)

Adr: Timisoara, 7 Marasesti Street, apt. 2

Tel: 0256/294.300;   Fax: 0256/294.300;

Azerbaijan (AZ)

Adr: Bucharest, 10 Grigore Gafencu Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/233.24.84; 021/233.24.66  Fax: 021/233.24.65;

Bangladesh (BD)

Adr: Bucharest, 9A Lainici Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/224.42.38;   Fax: 0372.873.757;

Belarus (BY)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 Tuberozelor Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/223.17.76; 021/222.42.88  Fax: 021/223.17.63;

Belgium (BE)

Adr: Bucharest, 58 Dacia Avenue, Sector 2

Tel: 021/210.29.69; 021/210.29.70  Fax: 021/210.28.03;

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

Adr: Bucharest, 12 Stochkolm Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/409.26.01;   Fax: 021/409.26.03;

Brazil (BR)

Adr: Bucharest, 40 Aviatorilor Avenue

Tel: 021/230.11.30; 021/230.78.25  Fax: 021/230.15.99;

Bulgaria (BG)

Adr: Bucharest, 5 Rabat Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.21.50; 021/230.21.59  Fax: 021/230.76.54;

Bulgaria (BG)

Adr: Bucharest, 32 Vasile Lascar, Sector 2

Tel: 021/318.79.78;   Fax: 021/318.79.79;

Canada (CA)

Adr: Bucharest, 1-3 Tuberozelor Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/307.50.00;   Fax: 021/307.50.14;

Czech Republic (CZ)

Adr: Bucharest, 11 Ion Ghica Street, Sector 3

Tel: 021/303.92.30;   Fax: 021/312.25.39;

Chile (CL)

Adr: Bucharest, 24 Grivitei Road, 4th floor, Sector 1

Tel: 021/312.72.39; 021/312.73.11  Fax: 021/312.72.46;

China (CN)

Adr: Bucharest, 2 North Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/232.88.58; 021/232.17.32  Fax: 021/233.06.48;

China (CN)

Adr: Constanta, 7 Elisabeta Avenue

Tel: 0241/617.833; 0241/617.834  Fax: 0241/612.092;

Cyprus (CY)

Adr: Bucharest, 2 Petofi Sandor Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/223.04.55;   Fax: 021/223.04.56;

North Korea (KP)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 North Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/232.19.94;   Fax: 021/232.19.92;

South Korea (KR)

Adr: Bucharest, 14 Mircea Eliade Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.71.98;   Fax: 021/230.76.29;

Croatia (HR)

Adr: Bucharest, 1 Dr. Burghelea Avenue, Sector 2

Tel: 021/300.36.55;   Fax: 021/313.03.84;

Cuba (CU)

Adr: Bucharest, 44-48 Mihai Eminescu Street, 2nd floor, apt. 5, Sector 1

Tel: 021/211.87.39; 021/211.87.95  Fax: 021/211.89.16;

Denmark (DK)

Adr: Bucharest, 3 Dr. Burghelea Avenue, Sector 2

Tel: 021/300.08.00;   Fax: 021/312.03.58;

Egypt (EG)

Adr: Bucharest, 67 Dacia Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/211.09.38; 021/211.09.39  Fax: 021/210.03.37;


Adr: Bucharest, 16-20 Grigore Alexandrescu Street

Tel: 021/206.16.00; 021/206.16.20  Fax: ;

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Adr: Bucharest, 4 Modrogan Alley

Tel: 021/231.76.76;   Fax: 021/231.55.88;

Phillipines (PH)

Adr: Bucharest, 105-107 Carol Davila Street, 5th floor, apt. 10-11

Tel: 021/319.82.52; 021/319.82.54  Fax: 021/319.82.53;

Finland (FI)

Adr: Bucharest, 2 bis Atena Street

Tel: 021/230.75.45; 021/230.50.10  Fax: 021/230.75.05;

France (FR)

Adr: Bucharest, 13-15 Biserica Amzei Street

Tel: 021/303.10.00;   Fax: 021/303.10.09;

France (FR)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 Christian Tell Entrance, Sector 1

Tel: 021/303.10.00;   Fax: 021/303.10.78;

France (FR)

Adr: Timisoara, 1 Gheorghe Dima Street

Tel: 0256/292.661;   Fax: 0256/200.290;

France (FR)

Adr: Constanta, 70 Ferdinand Avenue

Tel: 0241/555.099;   Fax: 0241/555.099;

France (FR)

Adr: Cluj-Napoca, 22 I.C. Bratianu Street

Tel: 0264/598.551;   Fax: 0264/593.536;

Georgia (GE)

Adr: Bucharest, 16 Herastrau Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/210.06.02; 021/210.06.04  Fax: 021/211.39.99;

Germany (DE)

Adr: Bucharest, 6-8 Cpt. Av. Gheorghe Demetriade, Sector 1

Tel: 021/202.98.30; 021/230.25.80  Fax: 021/230.58.46;

Germany (DE)

Adr: Sibiu, 15-17 Lucian Blaga Street

Tel: 0269/206.211; 0722.22.84.16 (asistenta de urgenta)  Fax: 0269/206.299;

Germany (DE)

Adr: Timisoara, 10 Tudor Vladimirescu Avenue

Tel: 0256/309.800;   Fax: 0256/309.803;

Greece (GR)

Adr: Bucharest, 1-3 Pache Protopopescu Avenue, Sector 2

Tel: 021/209.41.70; 021/209.41.74  Fax: 021/209.41.75;

Greece (GR)

Adr: Bucharest, 4-6 Ferdinand Avenue, Sector 2

Tel: 021/209.41.91; 021/209.41.92  Fax: 021/209.41.75;

Equatorial Guinea (GQ)

Adr: Bucharest, 41 Aniversarii Street, 4th/610 floor, Sector 3

Tel: 021/323.32.34; 0741.637.850  Fax: ;

India (IN)

Adr: Bucharest, 183 Mihai Eminescu Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/211.54.51; 021/619.02.36  Fax: 021/211.06.14;

Indonesia (ID)

Adr: Bucharest, 10 Gina Partichi (ex Orlando) Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/312.07.42; 021/312.07.43  Fax: 021/312.02.14;

Jordan (JO)

Adr: Bucharest, 1 Dumbrava Rosie Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/210.47.05; 021/210.80.80  Fax: 021/210.03.20;

Iraq (IQ)

Adr: Bucharest, 6-8 Venezuela Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/233.90.08; 021/233.90.09  Fax: 021/233.90.07;

Iran (IR)

Adr: Bucharest, 39 Lascar Catargiu Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/312.04.93; 021/312.04.94  Fax: 021/312.04.96;

Ireland (IE)

Adr: Bucharest, 50-52 Buzesti Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/310.21.31; 021/310.21.41  Fax: 021/311.22.85;

Israel (IL)

Adr: Bucharest, 1 Dimitrie Cantemir, section 2+3, B-2, Unirii Square

Tel: 021/318.94.16; 021/318.94.17  Fax: 021/318.94.02;

Italy (IT)

Adr: Bucharest, 9 Henri Coanda, Sector 1

Tel: 021/305.21.00;   Fax: 021/312.04.22;

Italy (IT)

Adr: Bucharest, 12 Arh. Ion Mincu, Sector 1

Tel: 021/223.24.24; 021/223.33.13  Fax: 021/223.45.50;

Italy (IT)

Adr: Timisoara, 6 Putna Street

Tel: 0256/201.212; 0256/408.630  Fax: ;

Japan (JP)

Adr: Bucharest, 4-8 Nicolae Titulescu Street, American House East Wing, 6th floor, Sector 1

Tel: 021/319.18.90; 021/319.18.91  Fax: 021/319.18.95;

Kazahstan (KZ)

Adr: Bucharest, 26 bis Giuseppe Garibaldi Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/107.10.83; 021/107.10.84  Fax: 021/107.15.48;

Kuweit (KW)

Adr: Bucharest, 19A-19B Louis Blank Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/315.44.44; 021/315.99.88  Fax: 021/315.99.92;

Lebanon (LB)

Adr: Bucharest, 16 Andrei Muresanu Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.81.77; 021/230.81.76  Fax: 021/230.81.79;

Lithuania (LT)

Adr: Bucharest, 51 Primaverii Avenue, 1st floor, apt. 2, Sector 1

Tel: 021/311.59.97; 021/317.33.73  Fax: 021/311.59.19;

Macedonia (MK)

Adr: Bucharest, 144 Mihai Eminescu Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/210.08.80;   Fax: 021/211.72.95;

Madagascar (MG)

Adr: Bucharest, 89 Polona Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/210.52.72;   Fax: 021/210.58.48;

Malaysia (MY)

Adr: Bucharest, 11 Drobeta Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/211.38.01; 021/211.38.02  Fax: 021/210.02.70;

Great Britan (GB)

Adr: Bucharest, 24 Jules Michelet Street

Tel: 021/201.72.00;   Fax: 021/201.72.99;

Morocco (MA)

Adr: Bucharest, 78 Dionisie Lupu Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/317.41.42;   Fax: 021/317.41.44;

Mexic (MX)

Adr: Bucharest, 124C Mihai Eminescu Street, 6th floor, apt 13-14, Sector 2

Tel: 021/210.44.17; 021/210.47.28  Fax: 021/210.47.13;

Moldavia (MD)

Adr: Bucharest, 40 Alexandru Alley, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.04.74; 021/230.07.32  Fax: 021/230.77.90;

Moldavia (MD)

Adr: Bucharest, 8 Eroilor Street, Sector 5

Tel: 021/410.98.27;   Fax: 021/410.98.26;

Nigeria (NG)

Adr: Bucharest, 9 Orlando Street, P.O. Box 1-305

Tel: 021/312.86.85; 021/312.79.37  Fax: 021/312.06.22;

Norway (NO)

Adr: Bucharest, 4 Dumbrava Rosie Street

Tel: 021/210.02.74; 021/210.02.76  Fax: 021/210.02.75;

Netherlands (NL)

Adr: Bucharest, 20 Alexandru Alley

Tel: 021/208.60.30;   Fax: 021/230.76.20;

Pakistan (PK)

Adr: Bucharest, 22 Barbu Delavrancea Street

Tel: 021/318.78.73; 021/318.78.76  Fax: 021/318.78.74;


Adr: Bucharest, 12 Eugen Lovinescu Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/211.94.22;   Fax: 021/211.94.24;

Peru (PE)

Adr: Bucharest, 29 Lacul Tei, 2nd floor, apt. 4, Sector 2

Tel: 021/211.18.19; 021/211.18.16  Fax: 021/211.18.18;

Poland (PL)

Adr: Bucharest, 23 Alexandru Ally, Sector 1

Tel: 021/308.22.00;   Fax: 021/230.78.20;

Portugal (PT)

Adr: Bucharest, 55 Paris Street, Sector 1, P.O. Box: 63-91

Tel: 021/230.41.36;   Fax: 021/230.41.17;

Qatar (QA)

Adr: Bucharest, 10A Venezuela Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.47.41; 021/230.79.33  Fax: 021/230.54.46;

Democratic Republic of Congo (CD)

Adr: 'Bucharest, 50-54 Mihai Eminescu Street, 7th floor, apt. 15, Sector 1

Tel: 021/210.54.98; 0740.808.009  Fax: ;

Russia (RU)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 Pavel Kiseleff Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/222.31.70; 021/223.16.52  Fax: 021/222.94.50;

Russia (RU)

Adr: Bucharest, 4 Tuberozelor Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/222.13.89; 021/222.15.56  Fax: 021/222.64.05;

Russia (RU)

Adr: Constanta, 5 Mihai Viteazu Street

Tel: 0241/611.106;   Fax: 0241/618.923;

San Marino (SM)

Adr: Bucharest, 15 Unirii Avenue, building 3, apt. 3, Sector 4

Tel: 021/336.69.71;   Fax: 021/336.52.03;

Serbia (RS)

Adr: Bucharest, 34 Dorobantilor Road, Sector 1

Tel: 021/211.98.71; 021/211.98.72  Fax: 021/210.01.75;

Serbia (RS)

Adr: Timisoara, 4 Remus Street

Tel: 0256/490.334; 0256/493.467  Fax: 0256/190.425;

Syria (SY)

Adr: Bucharest, 50 Lascar Catargiu Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/319.24.67; 021/319.24.69  Fax: 021/312.95.54;

Slovakia (SK)

Adr: Bucharest, 3 Otetari Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/300.16.00;   Fax: 021/300.61.07;

Slovenia (SI)

Adr: Bucharest, 10 Puskin Alexandru Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/300.27.80;   Fax: 021/315.09.27;

Spain (ES)

Adr: Bucharest, 43 Alexandru Ally, Sector 1

Tel: 021/318.10.80;   Fax: 021/318.10.72;

United States of America (US)

Adr: Bucharest, 7-9 Tudor Arghezi Street

Tel: 021/200.33.00;   Fax: 021/200.34.42;

Sudan (SD)

Adr: Bucharest, 6 Barajului Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/233.91.89; 021/233.91.81  Fax: 021/233.91.88;

Sweden (SE)

Adr: Bucharest, 43 Kiseleff Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/406.71.00;   Fax: 021/406.71.24;

Thailand (TH)

Adr: Bucharest, 12 Vasile Conta, Sector 2

Tel: 021/311.00.31; 021/311.00.67  Fax: 021/311.00.44;

Tunisia (TN)

Adr: Bucharest, 50-54 Mihai Eminescu Street, 4th floor, apt. 10

Tel: 021/210.11.97; 021/210.13.44  Fax: 021/210.11.14;

Turkey (TR)

Adr: Bucharest, 72 Dorobantilor Road, Sector 1

Tel: 021/206.37.00; 021/206.37.04  Fax: 021/206.37.37;

Turkey (TR)

Adr: Constanta, 82 Ferdinand Avenue

Tel: 021/611.135;   Fax: 021/615.367;

Ukraine (UA)

Adr: Bucharest, 24 Aviatorilor Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.36.60; 021/230.36.68  Fax: 021/230.36.61;

Ukraine (UA)

Adr: Bucharest, 24 Aviatorilor Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.36.69;   Fax: 021/230.36.69;

Ukraine (UA)

Adr: Suceava, 44B Marasesti Street

Tel: 0252/520.167; 0252/531.345  Fax: 0252/524.735;

Ukraine (UA)

Adr: Bucharest, 24 Aviatorilor Avenue, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.36.69;   Fax: 021/230.36.69;

Hungary (HU)

Adr: Bucharest, 63-65 Dimitrie Gerota Street, Sector 2

Tel: 031/620.43.00;   Fax: 031/620.43.26;

Hungary (HU)

Adr: Bucharest, 30 Negulescu Stefan Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/230.05.50; 021/230.05.51  Fax: 021/230.05.52;

Hungary (HU)

Adr: Cluj-Napoca, 23 Unirii Square

Tel: 0264/596.300;   Fax: 0264/594.109;

Hungary (HU)

Adr: Miercurea Ciuc, 45 Petofi Sandor

Tel: 0266/207.335;   Fax: 0266/207.338;

Vatican (VA)

Adr: Bucharest, 5-7 Pictor Stahi Street

Tel: 021/313.94.90; 021/312.38.83  Fax: 021/312.03.16;

Venezuela (VE)

Adr: Bucharest, 18 Pictor Mirea Street, Sector 1

Tel: 021/222.58.74; 021/222.43.11  Fax: 031/222.50.73;

Vietnam (VN)

Adr: Bucharest, 35 C.A. Rosetti Street, Sector 2

Tel: 021/311.16.04; 021/311.03.34  Fax: 031/312.16.26;

Litoralul agency offers this information free of charge and does not assume responsibility for any errors that have occurred.

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